How to get a job in GIS/Remote Sensing

      Wednesday 24 May 2023 |  by

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As a GIS educator, I often get asked this question. I compile my advise for budding GIS analysts into this short post.

How can I find a GIS/Remote Sensing job?

In the GIS and Remote Sensing industry, jobs are most commonly found by searching job opportunities in the field.

Whilst there is not a ‘best recommended’ site for this, in the UK, GIS (and other environmental jobs) are oftne advertised on and other similar job boards.

GIS-related jobs are also often shared in GIS/Remote Sensing specific LinkedIn groups.

In addition to job boards, many larger resource/earth science coroporations (e.g. mining, environmental consultants, services companies, etc) also often have in-house GIS/spatial analysis departments. A widely-taken route into the industry is therefore by contacting these organisations directly.

What skills/experience/expertise are required for GIS/Remote Sensing jobs?

No one job specification is the same as no one company operates exactly like another. It is therefore important to understand that different companies with with different systems and in different ways. However, to gain a general understanding of the types of skills each subsector of the GIS job market require, I would strongly recommend taking a look at some of the job adverts.

Here, it is important to note that the field often requires specific training and knowledge, beyond the possibility to deliver in a single GIS/Remote Sensing module, meaning you may well require further training. It can also be advantageous to build up a portfolio to demonstrate your capabilities.

Where can I get further advice/guidance on securing a GIS/Remote Sensing job:

Two particularly useful pages to have a read over are:

Best of luck in the job hunt!
